Works Amazingly

"Love it. I've tried so many other forms of fiber, but this works so well. I drink 1 serving straight from the container each day. I'm now 6 months into daily use and I love it."

Say Goodbye to Constipation, Bloating and Irregularity

Get 12 Grams of Soluble Fiber in 1 Fluid ounce

Regularity Made Easy

Hyfiber is a clear liquid fiber supplement that contains FOS prebiotic, a soluble fiber that helps to nourish the good bacteria in your gut. With just one 1oz serving per day, Hyfiber can help to reduce constipation, and promote regularity.

One Daily Serving of HyFiber Provides the Same 12 Grams of Fiber Found In...

HyFiber vs. Mixing Gritty Fiber Drinks

HyFiber is the Clear Choice for Keeping You Regular

HyFiber taken daily prevents that frustrating feeling of incomplete bowel movements

- Feeling uncomfortable even after you go to the bathroom

- Never feeling finished and returning to the bathroom without anything happening

- The need to know there is a bathroom nearby, interfering with your quality of life

In as little as 24 hours regularity will return and you will feel the difference 

HyFiber taken daily will make your bowel movements more regular, you'll notice an improvement in your mood, your energy levels, and your overall health. Say goodbye to the discomfort and say hello to a happier, healthier you.

Start Your Day With HyFiber

Tastes great on its own or added into any beverage

Add to Juice

Add to Water

Add to Smoothie

Hyfiber can be mixed with any liquid, soft food or smoothie. With just a single serving you get 12 grams of dietary soluble fiber daily.

Free Yourself of Constipation with HyFiber

Free Yourself of Constipation with HyFiber

Get your digestive system back on track fast and feel light and energized again

Get Your digestive system back on track fast and feel light and energized again

HyFiber FAQ

  Verified Reviews

Free Yourself of Constipation and Digestive Issues

Free Yourself of Constipation and Digestive Issues

We recommend trying HyFiber for 30 days. If for any reason you are not happy, simply email Medtrition for a full refund.

100% Money Back Guarantee

We are confident HyFiber will help you manage constipation. If for any reason you don't see the results you were looking for, we will refund you 100% of your purchase price including shipping and handling.